Oʻahu Group
About Us
The Sierra Club O‘ahu Group is a volunteer-led, grassroots advocacy group with over 8,000 members island wide. We have an ambitious agenda to improve the sustainability of our island home and focus on a wide spectrum of issues like mitigating the effects of climate change, transitioning to renewable energy sources, concentrating smart growth and development within the urban core, and advocating for local food production, water security, and waste reduction. We are an influential voice at the Honolulu City Council and actively lobby to create and defend laws that benefit our environment.
Our Outings and Service Programs organizes hundreds of volunteers each year to perform such tasks as koa planting, trail building, beach cleanups, and invasive species removal – both here on O‘ahu and across the state.
The Sierra Club Oʻahu Group is a member driven Group of the national Sierra Club.
The Sierra Club Mission
To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.
Volunteer Leadership
An Executive Committee composed of volunteers elected by Oʻahu Group members oversees essential functions for the Group. Among other responsibilities, the Group’s Executive Committee sets local county policy, endorses political candidates and administers programs and activities. A Group representative also serves on the Chapter Executive Committee. Meet our elected leaders here.