is a policy advocacy program dedicated to community-centered solutions that are sustainable, equitable, and resilient for Honolulu County. We are encouraging a bold vision to help us transition to an economy driven by dignified work and 100% clean energy for all from an economy of low wages, toxic pollution and entrenched systemic injustices.
What we do
CouncilWatch is your year-round resource on bills and policies happening at the Honolulu City Council straight to you. Our goal is to make engaging in the political process to protect Oʻahu’s environment, people, and culture as accessible as possible.
CouncilWatch volunteers work together on strategic comprehensive campaigns and lobbying efforts while simultaneously to win on our issues. Sierra Club veterans and staff also train new members to become active in the council.
Ultimately, we are building an inclusive climate justice movement to help us transition from a fossil-fuel dependent economy of low wages, toxic pollution, and systemic injustice to one driven by dignified work and 100% clean energy for all.
To change everything, it takes everyone. Help us organize and build power for lasting change.